
After working as a Public Works supervisor, in passenger transport or in mass distribution, Bertrand COURCELLE created his firm in 1985 driving his own truck.

With the help of a close collaborator who will become his associate, he will quickly raise his firm among the three most important participants in the Abnormal Load Transport business.

The head office of the Group is located in SAINT-SAUVEUR in the Northern surburb of TOULOUSE.

In order to best meet the demand, The COURCELLE Group expanded to ensure its commercial presence by opening its first agency in Bordeaux in 2001.


The COURCELLE Group has 21 profit centers, 18 agencies throughout France and Luxembourg including 6 subsidiaries (called TMN, TRRS, CARRARA, BARRIÈRE, GBL, SGTD).

The activity of the COURCELLE Group is mainly carried out in France but also on the European territory.

In the last years, the COURCELLE Group has achieved a formidable growth, increasing the turnover from less than 7 M€ in 2000 to more than 60 M€ in 2020.

With more than 700 employees, the COURCELLE Group focuses on fundamental values, such as passion, involvement, trust, pragmatism and innovation.

To carry out its missions, the COURCELLE Group relies on the satisfaction of its clients , the good flow of information, the development of security and the reduction of its carbon footprint.

Groupe courcelle

Indexation gasoil

Indexation of diesel fuel

In accordance with the law n°2006-10 of January 5, 2006, the transport prices are indexed on those of the fuel.

A variable rate is thus applied monthly on the price of transport, according to the evolution of the fuel prices.

Calculation method: Evolution of the price of diesel compared to the average CNR 2016*Provisional share of diesel "long distance EA 2020 CNR" on our transport costs, i.e. 24.50%.

Average reference index 2016 : 130.83

Average reference index 2016 : 130.83

Period CNR reference index CNR index Surcharge applied Month of application 
November 21 178,76 8,976 December21
October 21 180,42 9,29% November 21
September 21 165.88 6.564% October 21
August 21 161.56 5.755% September 21
July 21 162.71 5.970% August 21
June 21 159.71 5.408% July 21
May 21 155.72 4.661% June 21
April 21 153.40 4.227% May 21
March 21 154.44 4.421% April 21
February 21 151,58 3,89% March 21 
January 21 144.75 2,61% February 21 (New share of diesel fuel 24.5%)
December 20 139.21 1,44% January 21
November 20 133,54 0,46% December 20
Octobre 20 130.38 0,00% November 20
September 20 129,42 0,00% October 20
August 20 134,11 0,56%  September 20
July 20 135.38 0,78% August 20
June 20 132.06 0,21% July 20
May 20 126.21 0% Impact COVID

June 20


April 20 126,34 0% Impact COVID

May 20


March 20 136,72 1,01% April 20
February 20 155 4,14% March20
January 20 163.48 5,59% February 20
December 19 163,98 5,68% January 20
November 19 159.42 4.895% December19
October 19 158.89 4.804% November 19
September 19 158.95 4.815% October 19
August 19 155.06 4.149% September 19
July 19 157.17 4.510% August19
June 19 155.33 4.195% July 19
May 19 163.06 5.518% June 19
April 19 163.38 5.573% May 19
March 19 161.08 5.179% April 19
February 19 159.27 4.869% March 19
January 19 154.40 4.036% February 19
December 18 154.68 4.083% January 19
November 18 163.27 5.554% December 18
October 18 169.75 6.664% November 18
September 18 164.52 5.768% October 18
August 18  161.15 5.191% September 18
July 18 159.58 4.922%

August 18


June 18 160.83 5.136%

July 18


May 18 161.36 5.227%

June 18

April 18 154.87 4.116% May 18
March 18 149.98 3.279% April 18
February 18 149.11 3.130% March 18
January 18 152.93 3,78% February 18
December 17 148.68 3,06% January 18
November 17 146.88 2,75% December 17
October 17 142,85 2,06% November 17
September 17 141,89 1,89% October 17
August 17 136.84 1,03% September 17
July 17 134.36 0,60% August 17
June 17  133.43 0,45% July17
May 17 138.42 1.300% June 17
April 17 143.22 2.121% May 17
March 17 141.55 1,84% April 17
February 17  146.30 2,65% March 17
January 17 145.73 2,55%

February 17

December 16 144.55 2,35% January 17